Wednesday, January 21, 2009

No Title Necessary

I think these two photos and words state it best. Yesterday the nation watched as history was made. I cried - as usual - as I watched the world come together. People from different races, ethnicities, religious backgrounds, political tendencies, sexual preferences and cultural divides came together and celebrated HOPE, PROGRESS and CHANGE. 

To be honest, for the last years, while I am always proud of my country and my home, I am not always proud of how it acts. It is like our parents used to tell us, "I love YOU, but I don't love how you ACTED." I have traveled to other countries where people simply ask, why? how could you let this happen? And where I began to feel a huge sense of guilt and need to apologize. 

But today, I felt nothing but pride. I am so proud of how our country has finally ACTED. 

I told my husband, when I hear Obama speak, I want to act, I want to make a change and I have such hope for the future and what we can do as a unified force. And not just an American unified force, but a world unified force. God bless America, and God bless Obama in his next four years in office. 

Friday, January 16, 2009

Art as a Part of Life

Art is definitely a part of my life - and a big one at that. Ever since I was young, I can remember my mom and her (our) friend Ivol, "breaking me out" of school to go for a day at the art museum. I used to love these days because not only was it a chance to get to spend a day away from school, it was also time that I got to see my mom and Ivol and laugh until my cheeks literally ached. We would usually take off a little before lunch time, go for lunch and then spend the rest of the afternoon bumming around the art museum. Mom thought these were just as good as school because after all, I was learning my art history! 

Today, my husband and I collect art in many different places. We have art from his mom, from the two of us, from local artists, from international artists, from little artists and big artists and every piece means something or tells a story to us. It may not be the same story that the artist meant to tell, but for whatever reason, it speaks to us and it warms our house. Now, when I look at a room in our house and think, "it just needs something." Instead of re-painting or moving furniture, I often add some art - it changes everything. 

Tonight, in the building where I have my office, there are three gallery openings. One, a private collection from someone's home, one a collection of Disney memorabilia and another done by artists that used art as a healing process. I think it is going to be very moving and inspirational to see how they used art, not just as a part of life, but as a way to get them through life. 

Above Painting currently on display in my kitchen. 
Artist: Cynthia Hagedorn
Title: The Big Spill with Kali

Thursday, January 15, 2009


There are days when we want to pull our loved ones close, hug them tight and not let go. These days tend to come when something happens to make us realize that life is short, nothing is certain and we make our own choices. That day just happens to be today for me. So today, I am thankful for this guy. Life wouldn't this same crazy adventure that I love so much, without him.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Best Job in the World

I thought I already had it but...
While I do think that my day to day job is pretty great, there is a group in Australia claiming they have the "Best Job in the World." And, I am starting to believe them. They are offering one lucky person, the job of:

1. Going to this island for 6 months

2. Live in this house

3. "Feeding the fish" A creative title for snorkeling, diving, swimming in the Great Barrier Reef that surrounds your island.

4. Collecting the mail

5. Cleaning the plunge pool, and by that they mean, every once in awhile, when a stray leaf happens to fall in your pool, gently dive in and rescue it.

6. Take photographs of the view you see everyday

7. Blog about your experiences

8. Graciously go with your hosts when they take you from island to island to do such things as a nature hike, canoe trip, bushwalking or maybe even the gruesome task of trying out a new spa.

Now, don't think you won't be compensated for all of your hard work...they will kindly pay you a six month salary of $105,000. And this is all in the name on increasing tourism. Where do I send my resume?
Does anyone want to see if their job can compete?